Diving Egypt

we offer you daily diving from a boat. The offer includes a morning transfer from the hotel to the harbour and back in the evening/late afternoon, soft drinks and lunch on the boat, a boat fee and a guide for divers.

Potápení s Nashaatem

Services & Prices

Prices are final and include the above services except for the local tourist tax.
Now, the fee in Dolphin House, El Fanus and Turtle Bay is 15 Eur per person per day. In other localities it is 8 Eur.

  1. Intro Dive / Discover Scuba Diving for non-divers

    Two dives a day with experinced diving instructor
    All equipment will be ready on the boat.
    54 Eur + local tourist tax

  2. Diving

    Two dives a day for qualified divers.
    All equipment will be ready on the boat.
    44 Eur + local tourist tax

  3. Accompany who do not dive or Snorklers

    Rental of diving goggles, snorkel and fins is included.
    All equipment will be ready on the boat.
    20 Eur + local tourist tax

  4. Diving courses
    Diving license fee is included
    Take 2 passport photos with you.

    • PADI Open Water Course

      The course lasts for 3 days.
      260 Eur + local tourist tax
      Rental of diving equipment is included in the price..

    • PADI Advanced Open Water Course

      The course lasts for 2 days.
      230 Eur + local tourist tax
      Rental of dving equipment is not included in the price.


  1. Send me an e-mail to the address:martin.sanca@potapeni-egypt.cz.

    Include following information in the e-mail:

    • When you would lime to dive.
    • In which hotel in Hurghada you will stay.
      The best is to stay in Ad Dahar or Sakala. Transportation from other parts of the city might be difficult.
    • What service you are looking for, e.g. diving, snorkeling, number of people, ..
    • Phone number of your cell phone you will be using in Hurghada for communication with Nashaat or myself. Text messages are cheapest and quick communication option.
  2. I will check your requirements and send you confirmation.
  3. Nashaat will meet you in the evening before the first diving day at the reception of your hotel. You will meet each other, pay the diving for the first day and agree on the next steps.
  4. In the morning Nashaat will pick you up in front of your hotel. He will bring you back after diving.

If you are already in Hurghada, you can also contact Nashaat directly. His cell phone is +20 1223 401 775.
You can communicate with Nashaat in Arabic and English.

How the diving course looks like - photogallery

A jde se do vody Výcvik začíná A bude se dýchat z jedné automatiky A teď vyvažování a správné dýchání Co bude dál? Sundávání výstroje A je to. Konec ponoru Opakování teorie po ponoru. Nashaatovi potápěčské kvalifikace