Dear divers and lowers of the beauty of this tropical sea. I have been diving in the Red Sea for over 20 years. This sea enchanted me, and I want to share my experiences with others.
For those interested, even non-divers, I offer the possibility of diving. I will take care of the applicant personally or entrust them to Nashaat. I am a PADI Divemaster. Nashaat is an experienced diving instructor (PADI Instructor) with vast experience. We can take groups as well as individual divers into the water.
The individual empathic approach will be appreciated mainly by photographers and people who are afraid of water.
We are diving from a boat. It is a nice trip also for non-diving accompany of divers. We will pick you up at the hotel in the morning and bring you back in the evening or late afternoon. You do not care about anything. Prices are reasonable, you do not have to pay any agencies between you and us.
It is a way to spend an unforgettable day. The water is beautifully clear, warm, and pulsating with marine life. The Red Sea deserves its title of one of the best diving sites in the world. You should spend at least one day diving. It is great!
Do not hesitate and order a great experience today.
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